Installation of system ...
1. Upload the contents of the HTML Dir to you Hosting/Server
- CHMOD 666 on all files in the directory config/ ***except .htaccess and index.html***
- CHMOD 777 the folders config/cache/, config/counter/, config/logs/ and CHMOD 666 on their content, ***except .htaccess and index.html***
- CHMOD 777 the file config/counter/sess.txt
- CHMOD 777 the folder uploads/ and all folders and contents
- CHMOD 777 the folders modules/album/album and modules/album/temp
2. Create a SQL database for your installation on your Hosting/Server
3. For added safety you can change the standard name of admin.php
4. Point your browser at h**p://YourDomainName/setup.php
5. After installation of your system, remove or change the name of setup.php
Enjoy (IMG:
Hope this helps, K3V